Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tips for Mosquito Bites without a trace

Mosquito bites often cause scars and itching.Bloodsucking insect bites if scratched will leave scars on the skin, can also become infected.Mosquitoes can always find a target precisely because they saw the movement, body heat andbody odor.

Here are some things you can do to mengindarkanthemselves from infection caused by mosquito bites, as reported by

1. Clean the area of ​​mosquito bites with soap and water to remove dirt and germs.

2. Avoid scratching the mosquito bite. Wounded by scratching the skin that will make the germs goand easily infects.

3. Try using hydrocortisone cream or oralantihistamine if you need something to stop the itching of the skin bite marks, so you are not tempted to scratch it.

4. Make sure your fingernails clipped short. If you're scratching mosquito bites, short nails will'save' the skin of the wound.

5. Wash the affected area regularly with soap andwater, apply warm compresses to help heal the infection. Liquid hydrogen peroxide to help fightinfection. The use of hydrogen peroxide and washthe bite area on a regular basis will not cure the infection immediately.

How Long We Need Sleep?

Sleep is a human need. You will feel more refreshed after getting adequate sleep and rest.However, too much sleep is not good for health.How long is the ideal time to sleep?

After conducting experiments, U.S. scientistsconcluded, three days off is better for humans thantwo days (Saturday-Sunday). The study involved159 adults. These are people who sleep for a week four hours a day, and ten hours on Saturdayand Sunday.

At the end of the week, researchers examined theparticipants' condition. They conclude, two days offa week is not sufficient. This lack of sleep causediseases that can endanger health. To overcome this, the scientists propose the addition of a three-day holiday. At holiday time, people can really use the time to sleep his body needs.

Somnologists (health professionals associatedwith sleep) modern states, adults need at least fivehours of sleep at night to stay healthy. In addition, asurprise, experts say, is actually a little nap harmful to health. A parallel experiment showed, peoplewho choose to sleep in the daytime susceptible toincreased risk of diabetes.

The problems of sleep is constantly changing. At first the experts say, sleep for seven to eight hourswould be good for your health, then reduced to sixand a half hours, and now five hours. Quitepossibly the numbers changed again.