Thursday, May 10, 2012

Belly Slim Secrets

Choose the right food
Choose foods that are healthy and rich in good fats
Eat avocados. Good fat in this fruit will help get rid of the fat from your belly.

Eat chocolate. Look for chocolate that contains 70 percent cocoa for maximum results

Do not forget the almond. In one study revealed, dieters who ate a handful of almonds every day can dissipate about 18 percent of abdominal fat.

Wear clothes that support
So that the stronger the motivation, try a smaller size clothes. Make this little dress as a powerful motivation to streamline the stomach.
Or, it could also wear a shirt with a vertical motif that looks to streamline the body with black Ducts at the waist.

Choose movements that can streamline the stomach. For that, try to ask the experts.

Want to lower the weight

If you're trying to lose weight with strict diet and avoid eating sugary foods, it sounds like you need to think again.
Israeli researchers say eating desserts (dessert), such as a piece of chocolate cake or other sweet food in the morning actually helps you lose weight.
The morning is considered to be the best time to eat sweet foods because that's when your metabolism is most active.

The key is to treat yourself in the morning. At this time the body's metabolism was at the peak and we can get rid of extra calories throughout the day
Eat dessert for breakfast, such as chocolate cake or pudding that contains protein and carbohydrates can help people who are dieting to resist the urge to snack during the day and evening.

Low-carbohydrate diet feel less satisfied. It actually makes the desire to consume sugars and carbohydrates more intense.

Excessive Worry That Mental Disorders

Often we encounter people who are always worried about with all sorts of things even for things that have happened? Maybe we meet people who are experiencing or the Comprehensive Anxiety Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

No wonder this condition is usually chronic and not getting treatment in the early moments of this person is experiencing anxiety.

Symptoms and Signs
As one type of anxiety disorder, sometimes the symptoms of anxiety in patients with anxiety disorders are similar overall to the patients with panic disorder.

But there are some things that are typical for patients with symptoms of panic anxiety disorders such as:
a. Feelings of excessive fear of almost all aspects of life
b. Feeling tired which is caused by excessive physical fatigue factor
c. Iritable or irritability
d. Difficulty concentrating
e. Physical symptoms such as stiff muscles (pegal2), sleep disorders or difficulty relaxing

Usually 3 of these symptoms experienced by patients to determine the diagnosis of a Comprehensive Anxiety Disorder.

The exact cause of this disorder is unknown but several theories, especially the biological and psychological have been raised. Conditions in the system related disorder is an imbalance in the brain monoamine systems, especially the serotonin system.

The condition is associated with the unconscious internal conflicts unresolved and concerns that ultimately arise in continuously throughout life.

Cognitive theory in this regard relates to the way the individual to see the negative side of the daily environmental conditions. Individuals are more likely to choose the negative side of everyday conditions or 'choose' to remain always think negatively associated with matters relating to daily life.

Treatment of patients with anxiety disorders include a thorough biological side (psikofarmaka), the psychological (psychotherapy) including support from the supportive environment. Psikofarmaka drug treatment has been scientifically proven to provide improvements to the patient.

SSRI drugs such as sertraline and the SNRI class of drugs such as Venlafaxine otherwise have helped improve overall patients with anxiety disorders.

Buspirone is also an antidepressant treatment option for this though has been more recently abandoned its use in daily practice because Buspirone work long hours and very specific to a thorough course of anxiety disorder.

While the overall condition of anxiety disorders often coincided with symptoms of depression and even panic in an already chronic condition.
Psychotherapy with cognitive therapy approaches taken to reduce the patient's negative thoughts or divert it to something more positive.

Divert and reduce these negative thoughts in practice it took a long time so sometimes the patient must follow the treatment up to several months or even years.

Are you Lazy Brush Teeth? Attacking Diabetes!

Typical picture of people with diabetes were found during dental examination is shaking and damage the bone supporting the teeth are evenly distributed throughout the cell tooth. Even a toothache can not prove the abnormality of other diseases directly.

What is diabetes mellitus?
Diabetes mellitus in layman's terms is often referred to as blood sugar, which is a disease in which there is a shortage of insulin in the blood so that blood sugar levels become high.

Influence on the development of a toothache diabetes mellitus in fact, the connection comes from a very simple activity, which is eating. The food we eat and chewed by the teeth will be converted into glucose. Glucose is converted into glycogen with the help of insulin, glycogen is converted to glucagon. Some of glucagon will be stored in the blood and liver.

Examples of forms of diabetes mellitus attachment which can also cause toothache is dinner. Dinner will be increasing blood sugar levels gradually. Habit is not good, especially when brushing your teeth after meals forgot and went to bed.

Here is an example of cause and effect relationship between the two diseases.

1. Forget to brush your teeth, then went to sleep until the morning after eating.
Without us knowing leftovers that were silenced in the long term will settle. Increasingly accumulated plaque deposits on the teeth will form tartar that makes colors brighter teeth do not come back, let alone the effect of sweet foods containing glucose and acid.

Acid is bad for dental health. Deposition of acid substances that strengthen tooth will make it easier to storm strength. Perforated teeth is one of the crimes acid.

2. The habit of sleeping after dinner will precipitate sugars or glucose into the bloodstream.
Some carbohydrate-containing foods were mostly contain sugar. Therefore, people with diabetes is strictly prohibited dinner. Deposition of excessive sugar is what triggers the outbreak of the disease diabetes mellitus.

3. In addition, high levels of sugar in the blood will cause the blood circulation is not so smooth and often followed by the viscosity of the blood.Small fibers of human blood vessels parifernya ends at the end surface of the gums. This condition causes the circulating antigen in the body changes. There is a production of immunology, such as dam neutrophil chemotactic activity is decreased.

The main symptoms of diabetes, especially in the evening is:
1. Polyuria (frequent urination)
2. Polidipsi (often feel thirsty to drink so much)
3. Poliphagia (often feel hungry
4. Limp and
5. Weight loss for no apparent reason.

In addition to the main symptoms experienced by people with diabetes, there are also abnormalities in the mouth that often accompanies diabetes mellitus, which is
1. Xerostomia (dry mouth)
2. Salivary gland function terganggi so little saliva and cause halitosis acetone
3. Periodontal disease (disease of the tissues supporting the teeth)
4. Due to the narrowing of blood vessels, there is bleeding gums, gums and oral cavity paled, as well as infection of the gums
5. A sense of throbbing in the teeth, without dental caries
6. Presence of fungi in the oral candidiasis alias
7. Pendiutan the jaw bone so that the teeth are fast and easy rocking
8. Impaired wound healing, including wounds on the inside and outside the oral cavity. This has resulted in acute sore throat and canker sores.

Toothache is not something to be underestimated. Because if left unchecked, serious tooth decay can lead to other diseases. Diabetes or diabetes is one of the many diseases that can be present due to the neglected toothache.

It would be nice if the health care for healthy teeth in order not to risk for diabetes. Meanwhile, people with diabetes should follow a low calorie diet, diligent taking control of the hormone insulin, and maintain dental health.