we are very pleased with accessories such as handbags.The bag is expensive is not necessarily the original.
So, do not be fooled, this is her way to see:
1. Check the zipper
The original product will select all quality goods as raw materials of manufacture. Including zippers! So when buying a quality bag with awell-known brand, you must make sure that the zipper is opened and closed easily. Yes, the original manufacturer makes it very easy to open and close, but still safe.
2. The shape is neat
Do not buy a bag with a shape that is not neat and balanced.Original branded bags measure every millimeter of the bag, sothere would be no point to make it look different.
3. There was no typing error in the name
Ensure that the name brand bags are written correctly, there is nosingle word errors. In general, fake brand bags with printing errorsthat often use homemade handbags can be sold.
And unfortunately, we are often inaccurate.
4. The aroma is different
The original bag that will not leave the smell of rubber, glue, orchemicals of any kind. The aroma is genuine leather.
5. The price is too skewed
There is a quality, of course there is a price. So do not expect thatquality bags you can buy cheaply. Because of special material, in general, producers will set prices according to the materials and design complexity.
Buying original bag will give satisfaction not only pride alone, but you will not be disappointed with the quality of its products.
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