Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ways to Healthy Cooking

Not difficult to prepare healthy and nutritious food from home. All it takes is to prepare the ingredients of a healthy diet. Plan your menu according to the number of family members. Try to avoid reheat food because it will damage the nutritional content.

If too much food left over, cover food with plastic film before it is put into the refrigerator to prevent mixing of flavors. As disclosed Nutritionist Bhassin Sveta, the following tips on healthy cooking at home:

1. Vegetables should not be too ripe. The more mature, less nutrients are obtained. Fresh vegetables do not require a lot of herbs and spices.

2. Raw vegetables usually contain too much fertilizer and pesticides. We recommend that before use, wash and soak the vegetables in a sink filled with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then rinse with plain water.

3. When cooking green leafy vegetables do not need to cook with additional lemon juice or sour. For olive green color of green vegetables would be difficult to absorb nutrients.

4. To ensure food is not too ripe, boiled water without putting a lid on the pan or other cooking appliance. Then when the insert material boiling pot and cover tightly and cook food gently for some time.

5. Onions should be cut and stored a maximum of 10 minutes before serving. Because by the time the substance is still active as an antioxidant quercetin.

6. Unpasteurized milk should be boiled for 10-15 minutes at boiling temperature for bacteria and germs away.

7. Do not use utensils painted or decorated. Some are made of tin and silver toxins that cause severe indigestion.

8. Avoid use of aluminum cookware because it causes high levels of aluminum in brain tissue. Alzheimer's sufferers have high levels of aluminum in brain tissue. The safest cookware is made of pyrex and stainless steel.

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