Having a strong immune system and free from all diseases into the desire of every person. Health is the main thing that must be maintained for the sake of a better survival. Maintain the health of course not independent of how you choose foods that are good for health.
There are some foods that have preventive benefits and even cures for various diseases. In fact, these foods can you get around you with ease, among which are:
1. Ginger
Ginger has been widely known is one of the best herbs world. Research suggests ginger may be used as an anti-inflammation, by blocking an enzyme such as the ways in which aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. This explains why ginger is used in almost all societies in Asia as a medicine or natural treatments to overcome certain illnesses.
2. Flask
Pumpkin is rich in beta carotene and beta cryptoxanthin. In fact, people whose diets high in beta-cryptoxanthin may reduce the risk of arthritis by 50 percent.
3. Paprika Red
Carotenoids found in red peppers, which is an antioxidant useful against inflammation. Moreover, peppers are also enriched with Vitamin C is sufficient to meet the daily needs of Vitamin C your body.
4. Bean
All types of beans have the same nutritional content as possible. The content of complex carbohydrates, protein, and fiber in nuts play an important role in maintaining the body's blood sugar levels remain stable, so good for preventing diabetes.
5. Egg white
Egg whites are a good source of protein and safe for diabetics because of the low calorie content, which is 17 calories per item.
6. Cheese
The study says women who have PMS have lower levels of calcium. Therefore, to maintain the body's calcium levels remained stable during PMS, women were encouraged to eat cheese, since cheese contains high calcium.
7. Broccoli
The content of sulforaphane in broccoli role in restoring the blood vessels are damaged by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), which is closely related to diabetes. While the calcium content, is useful in maintaining bone density and prevent osteoporosis.
8. Oatmeal
It is undeniable oatmeal is one of the healthier menu that should not be missed. These foods are rich in soluble fiber, which can absorb and remove cholesterol from your body. Research shows that people who eat oatmeal every day had a 21 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart disease and stroke.
9. Purple sweet potato
The content of anthocyanin in purple sweet potato is useful as an antioxidant that can absorb air pollution, oxidation in the body and inhibits blood clotting so that the health of blood flow is maintained. Fiber and pectin in a purple sweet potato is also very good for preventing gastrointestinal disorders such as hemorrhoids, constipation, and cancer of the colon.
10. Spinach
Spinach is known to contain lots of protein, fat, carbohydrates, iron, potassium, calcium, and vitamins A, B, and C. With abortion, the spinach is believed to help improve the performance of the kidneys and aid digestion, overcome anemia, and prevent bone loss.
All of the above foods are very easy to obtain. In fact, some of which you can get in the yard. This is proof that being healthy does not need to pay expensive. Let's be healthy with an efficient way.
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