Axilla has an important function to remove toxins, because it is important for the body to sweat. But what about the odor generated?
Experts say the smell is from bacteria that live in the human axilla. But the main cause of armpit odor are the excretion of intestinal toxins that are harmful substances that try to get out, but with the use of deodorant solution is closed and toxic substances are being forced to remain in the system.
In addition, there are several other factors that can cause body odor would, as reported by Livestrong, Friday (09/03/2012):
1. Food
Food can change a person's natural body odor. The most common foods that cause underarm odor such as onion, garlic, cumin and curry powder, which can stay in the body long enough so that when mixed with the sweat will leave a bad odor.
2. Diabetes
Ketones, a chemical that is produced when fat is converted to energy, can cause a bad odor in the armpits. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder resulting in difficulty of breaking up the sugar that the body of carbohydrates into energy, it can cause a person to remove ketones in the urine and sweat, especially in children.
Therefore, children who have body odor should be examined and tested for diabetes.
3. Puberty
When entering puberty, hormones will stimulate the glands in the skin, including in the armpits. When bacteria in the skin mixed with sweat it will produce a bad odor, even in children though.
4. Hyperhidrosis
Hyperhidrosis can also contribute to problems with body odor. Hyperhidrosis is a disorder that causes excessive sweating. More perspiration on the body, making the chance of a larger body odor.
Hyperhidrosis can be caused by several factors. For example, drugs such as morphine, acetaminophen, and some anti-psychotic drugs may contribute to excessive sweating.
Disorders and certain conditions such as alcoholism, gout, arthritis, diabetes, obesity and menopause can also contribute to developing hyperhidrosis, according to the International Hyperhydrosis Society.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Reduce Weight by Tomato
WEIGHT body as an enemy for most women. Various methods are used to reduce weight, even with extreme dieting by reducing excess food to fasting. But, now you do not need to worry. Tomatoes, small red fruit that you can get from the kitchen of the house, apparently an effect on weight reduction.
Scientists say that eating tomatoes can give a good effect in keeping the body leanness. Tomatoes can make you feel full and can suppress the desire to snack. It's important for people who want a slimmer than ever.
Tomatoes are believed to be rich in compounds that can alter the levels of hormones associated with appetite.
The study involved a small group of healthy women aged between 18-35 years. They were offered bread with cream cheese and bread are fortified tomato and carrot. Carrots are believed to provide additional fiber. Enriched tomato bread that makes the appetite and snacking on hold.
Tomatoes are also very useful for heart health, protects the skin from the sun, and nourish the skin into old age. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C which helps wound healing and helps the body absorb iron.
Consumption of tomatoes every day to lose weight and for the health of your body.
Scientists say that eating tomatoes can give a good effect in keeping the body leanness. Tomatoes can make you feel full and can suppress the desire to snack. It's important for people who want a slimmer than ever.
Tomatoes are believed to be rich in compounds that can alter the levels of hormones associated with appetite.
The study involved a small group of healthy women aged between 18-35 years. They were offered bread with cream cheese and bread are fortified tomato and carrot. Carrots are believed to provide additional fiber. Enriched tomato bread that makes the appetite and snacking on hold.
Tomatoes are also very useful for heart health, protects the skin from the sun, and nourish the skin into old age. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C which helps wound healing and helps the body absorb iron.
Consumption of tomatoes every day to lose weight and for the health of your body.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Ways to Healthy Cooking
Not difficult to prepare healthy and nutritious food from home. All it takes is to prepare the ingredients of a healthy diet. Plan your menu according to the number of family members. Try to avoid reheat food because it will damage the nutritional content.
If too much food left over, cover food with plastic film before it is put into the refrigerator to prevent mixing of flavors. As disclosed Nutritionist Bhassin Sveta, the following tips on healthy cooking at home:
1. Vegetables should not be too ripe. The more mature, less nutrients are obtained. Fresh vegetables do not require a lot of herbs and spices.
2. Raw vegetables usually contain too much fertilizer and pesticides. We recommend that before use, wash and soak the vegetables in a sink filled with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then rinse with plain water.
3. When cooking green leafy vegetables do not need to cook with additional lemon juice or sour. For olive green color of green vegetables would be difficult to absorb nutrients.
4. To ensure food is not too ripe, boiled water without putting a lid on the pan or other cooking appliance. Then when the insert material boiling pot and cover tightly and cook food gently for some time.
5. Onions should be cut and stored a maximum of 10 minutes before serving. Because by the time the substance is still active as an antioxidant quercetin.
6. Unpasteurized milk should be boiled for 10-15 minutes at boiling temperature for bacteria and germs away.
7. Do not use utensils painted or decorated. Some are made of tin and silver toxins that cause severe indigestion.
8. Avoid use of aluminum cookware because it causes high levels of aluminum in brain tissue. Alzheimer's sufferers have high levels of aluminum in brain tissue. The safest cookware is made of pyrex and stainless steel.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Tips for Mosquito Bites without a trace
Mosquito bites often cause scars and itching.Bloodsucking insect bites if scratched will leave scars on the skin, can also become infected.Mosquitoes can always find a target precisely because they saw the movement, body heat andbody odor.
Here are some things you can do to mengindarkanthemselves from infection caused by mosquito bites, as reported by
1. Clean the area of mosquito bites with soap and water to remove dirt and germs.
2. Avoid scratching the mosquito bite. Wounded by scratching the skin that will make the germs goand easily infects.
3. Try using hydrocortisone cream or oralantihistamine if you need something to stop the itching of the skin bite marks, so you are not tempted to scratch it.
4. Make sure your fingernails clipped short. If you're scratching mosquito bites, short nails will'save' the skin of the wound.
5. Wash the affected area regularly with soap andwater, apply warm compresses to help heal the infection. Liquid hydrogen peroxide to help fightinfection. The use of hydrogen peroxide and washthe bite area on a regular basis will not cure the infection immediately.
Here are some things you can do to mengindarkanthemselves from infection caused by mosquito bites, as reported by
1. Clean the area of mosquito bites with soap and water to remove dirt and germs.
2. Avoid scratching the mosquito bite. Wounded by scratching the skin that will make the germs goand easily infects.
3. Try using hydrocortisone cream or oralantihistamine if you need something to stop the itching of the skin bite marks, so you are not tempted to scratch it.
4. Make sure your fingernails clipped short. If you're scratching mosquito bites, short nails will'save' the skin of the wound.
5. Wash the affected area regularly with soap andwater, apply warm compresses to help heal the infection. Liquid hydrogen peroxide to help fightinfection. The use of hydrogen peroxide and washthe bite area on a regular basis will not cure the infection immediately.
How Long We Need Sleep?
Sleep is a human need. You will feel more refreshed after getting adequate sleep and rest.However, too much sleep is not good for health.How long is the ideal time to sleep?
After conducting experiments, U.S. scientistsconcluded, three days off is better for humans thantwo days (Saturday-Sunday). The study involved159 adults. These are people who sleep for a week four hours a day, and ten hours on Saturdayand Sunday.
At the end of the week, researchers examined theparticipants' condition. They conclude, two days offa week is not sufficient. This lack of sleep causediseases that can endanger health. To overcome this, the scientists propose the addition of a three-day holiday. At holiday time, people can really use the time to sleep his body needs.
Somnologists (health professionals associatedwith sleep) modern states, adults need at least fivehours of sleep at night to stay healthy. In addition, asurprise, experts say, is actually a little nap harmful to health. A parallel experiment showed, peoplewho choose to sleep in the daytime susceptible toincreased risk of diabetes.
The problems of sleep is constantly changing. At first the experts say, sleep for seven to eight hourswould be good for your health, then reduced to sixand a half hours, and now five hours. Quitepossibly the numbers changed again.
After conducting experiments, U.S. scientistsconcluded, three days off is better for humans thantwo days (Saturday-Sunday). The study involved159 adults. These are people who sleep for a week four hours a day, and ten hours on Saturdayand Sunday.
At the end of the week, researchers examined theparticipants' condition. They conclude, two days offa week is not sufficient. This lack of sleep causediseases that can endanger health. To overcome this, the scientists propose the addition of a three-day holiday. At holiday time, people can really use the time to sleep his body needs.
Somnologists (health professionals associatedwith sleep) modern states, adults need at least fivehours of sleep at night to stay healthy. In addition, asurprise, experts say, is actually a little nap harmful to health. A parallel experiment showed, peoplewho choose to sleep in the daytime susceptible toincreased risk of diabetes.
The problems of sleep is constantly changing. At first the experts say, sleep for seven to eight hourswould be good for your health, then reduced to sixand a half hours, and now five hours. Quitepossibly the numbers changed again.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Healthy Food For The Brain
Nutrition and health are closely linked. With the proper nutrition health, including brain health can be optimized.
Behind the deliciousness, food has another miracle to add to brain health. When the existence of a healthy brain, then the work can work fine and a maximum. Here is a list of foods to nourish the brain, such as written Sheknows.
Salmon is one fish can you eat healthy. This food is very rich in protein, omega 3 and fatty acids, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's and dementia. In fact, salmon potent improve your mood. So, try a dish of grilled salmon, poached, sauteed or served greetings seafood soup.
Pleasure of the blueberry is very powerful counteracting brain diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and lower risk of dementia can be caused by oxidative stress. Blueberries are very good for fighting free radicals that can cause damage to healthy brain cells.
Coffee with caffeine has been shown to improve concentration and mental focus. Coffee also rich in antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress. However, do not be too much caffeine can be bad for the brain and your health. Keep your intake of up to 3 cups of coffee per day.
Nuts are not only offers exceptional taste, also rich in protein, omega 3, fatty acids, vitamin E, and vitamin B6 are beneficial to the nervous system includes your brain functions. Nutrients from nuts can be mental illnesses such as depression menangkat.
Avocados are loaded with healthy unsaturated fats, thus contributing to a healthy heart and healthy blood flow. Because hypertension is closely related to decreased brain function, then eat this delicious fruit can improve your brain health.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Importance of Vitamin D for Children
Children grow very rapidly, so the nutritional needs must be met optimally. Nutritional deficiencies can impair children's growth, a severe deficiency can even lead to poor nutritional status.
Role of Vitamin D is essential for children in the age of growth, whether or not adequate Vitamin D in childhood, will affect the future of the child. Problems in the bone that occurs in the elderly are influenced by the formation and growth in childhood through adulthood.
Absorption of calcium
Vitamin D has an important role in calcium absorption, therefore it is essential for the formation of healthy bones and strong, especially in children. Vitamin D deficiency is now a common thing among the children, and this can cause the disease rickets. Vitamin D important role not limited to the surrounding bone or skeleton, but also important in other parts of the body and also acts as an anti-inflammatory.
Affects the brain
There is a wide distribution of vitamin D receptors throughout the brain. Vitamin D has the ability to affect proteins in the brain known to be directly involved in learning and memory, motor control and may even affect social behavior.
Food sources of Vitamin D
Vitamin D content in foods contained very little vitamin D found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring, and eggs from chickens that have been fortified vitamin D. Also found in some foods such as margarine and cereals are fortified Vitamin D.
The importance of sun exposure
Sunlight is the best way to get vitamin D, exposure to sunlight on the skin will stimulate the production of this vitamin. Use of sunscreen and indoor lifestyles may lead to deficiency of Vitamin D. Sunscreens are widely used to protect the skin against changes that can cause skin cancer, but also very important for us to get at least 15-20 minutes of exposure to direct sunlight on our skin every day.
Vitamin D Supplementation
Daily intake of vitamin D for infants, children, and adolescents are advised to be increased from 200 IU to 400 IU, as presented by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in Boston, USA. Supplementation is important most of the children received less food intake of Vitamin D daily.
Increased intake of Vitamin D are intended to prevent bone-related diseases in children, such as bone softening disease (rickets). In addition, the daily intake of vitamin D will help prevent osteoporosis later in life. Studies in adults suggest that vitamin D has an important role in preventing infections, autoimmune reactions, cancer, and diabetes.
Vitamin D supplementation for infants
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that giving vitamin D supplements of 200 IU per day to your baby when the consumption of exclusive breastfeeding in a state of less than seventeen ounces per day. Supplementation should also be given if the infants received less maternal intake of vitamin D so that it produces milk containing vitamin D are not worried enough for the baby.
Normally, breast milk has a lot of vitamin D. Breast milk typically contains 400 IU of Vitamin D, this is in the same amount as 33 ounces of a milk formula for infants. So bear in mind always that the baby could get a thousand IU of vitamin D each day.
Vitamin D alleviate asthma in children
Vitamin D can ease the asthma attacks in children. This is the conclusion of a study led by Dr. Augusto A. Litongua, of Harvard Medical School in Boston, published the article the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology. The study lasted for 4 years against more than 1,000 children with asthma. Vitamin D deficiency in the blood tends to make asthma attacks worse and more difficult to cure.
During the four years of study, found about 38% of children who are deficient in vitamin D should be hospitalized for asthma treatment, and only about 32% of children who have adequate levels of vitamin D should ultimately be hospitalized for asthma treatment. This means that adequate vitamin D can reduce the risk of asthma care in hospitals (6% lower).
Role of Vitamin D is essential for children in the age of growth, whether or not adequate Vitamin D in childhood, will affect the future of the child. Problems in the bone that occurs in the elderly are influenced by the formation and growth in childhood through adulthood.
Absorption of calcium
Vitamin D has an important role in calcium absorption, therefore it is essential for the formation of healthy bones and strong, especially in children. Vitamin D deficiency is now a common thing among the children, and this can cause the disease rickets. Vitamin D important role not limited to the surrounding bone or skeleton, but also important in other parts of the body and also acts as an anti-inflammatory.
Affects the brain
There is a wide distribution of vitamin D receptors throughout the brain. Vitamin D has the ability to affect proteins in the brain known to be directly involved in learning and memory, motor control and may even affect social behavior.
Food sources of Vitamin D
Vitamin D content in foods contained very little vitamin D found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring, and eggs from chickens that have been fortified vitamin D. Also found in some foods such as margarine and cereals are fortified Vitamin D.
The importance of sun exposure
Sunlight is the best way to get vitamin D, exposure to sunlight on the skin will stimulate the production of this vitamin. Use of sunscreen and indoor lifestyles may lead to deficiency of Vitamin D. Sunscreens are widely used to protect the skin against changes that can cause skin cancer, but also very important for us to get at least 15-20 minutes of exposure to direct sunlight on our skin every day.
Vitamin D Supplementation
Daily intake of vitamin D for infants, children, and adolescents are advised to be increased from 200 IU to 400 IU, as presented by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in Boston, USA. Supplementation is important most of the children received less food intake of Vitamin D daily.
Increased intake of Vitamin D are intended to prevent bone-related diseases in children, such as bone softening disease (rickets). In addition, the daily intake of vitamin D will help prevent osteoporosis later in life. Studies in adults suggest that vitamin D has an important role in preventing infections, autoimmune reactions, cancer, and diabetes.
Vitamin D supplementation for infants
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that giving vitamin D supplements of 200 IU per day to your baby when the consumption of exclusive breastfeeding in a state of less than seventeen ounces per day. Supplementation should also be given if the infants received less maternal intake of vitamin D so that it produces milk containing vitamin D are not worried enough for the baby.
Normally, breast milk has a lot of vitamin D. Breast milk typically contains 400 IU of Vitamin D, this is in the same amount as 33 ounces of a milk formula for infants. So bear in mind always that the baby could get a thousand IU of vitamin D each day.
Vitamin D alleviate asthma in children
Vitamin D can ease the asthma attacks in children. This is the conclusion of a study led by Dr. Augusto A. Litongua, of Harvard Medical School in Boston, published the article the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology. The study lasted for 4 years against more than 1,000 children with asthma. Vitamin D deficiency in the blood tends to make asthma attacks worse and more difficult to cure.
During the four years of study, found about 38% of children who are deficient in vitamin D should be hospitalized for asthma treatment, and only about 32% of children who have adequate levels of vitamin D should ultimately be hospitalized for asthma treatment. This means that adequate vitamin D can reduce the risk of asthma care in hospitals (6% lower).
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
I Teach My Baby To Walk
Exercise walking is very broad implications for the psychological development of children. Among others in the sense of autonomy following its independence. Gradually the child to understand, everything that he wanted to be commercialized.Well, that practice went well needed stimulus and support from parents. Here are the things that must be considered when children are learning:
When the baby starts learning to walk hobbled than usual happy parents began to "exercise the heart".How not? Now the baby begins to recognize the wider world with a "crawl" to every corner of the house. Maybe when added together every day knows how twelve yards distance.
Shoes serve to protect the baby's feet from the particles and objects that could hurt him. Outside the home, you should put the shoe that can support a baby's ability to walk.
In principle, as long as there is certainly no neurological or muscular disorders, children must be able to walk. Indeed, hell, runs on each child age can vary, but generally the normal time frame is 11-18 months of age.
4. Strengthen Muscles Foot Massage.
During learning to walk, children rely on his leg muscles to maintain balance. With recommendations pediatricians, parents can do baby massage aimed at strengthening the muscles of his legs. For example, with my back the way he holds the baby and then ask her feet with a little encouraged. The child will instinctively do the motions like kicking. The intense training and proper proven to strengthen his leg muscles.
Often too lazy to learn the way children occur due to obesity. For babies with excess body weight, body balance is clearly more difficult. Strive to balance food intake, not excessive and no less. In addition, the physiotherapist can help the baby with the right program. For example, the technique of push the ball which is used for motor exercises.
Some of the tools created to help children learn the way. The principle that should not be absent from this tool is the baby still needs to be guided. That way, every time the baby kicked to the ground, the leg muscles will be more active and increasingly honed capability goes.
When the baby starts learning to walk hobbled than usual happy parents began to "exercise the heart".How not? Now the baby begins to recognize the wider world with a "crawl" to every corner of the house. Maybe when added together every day knows how twelve yards distance.
Shoes serve to protect the baby's feet from the particles and objects that could hurt him. Outside the home, you should put the shoe that can support a baby's ability to walk.
In principle, as long as there is certainly no neurological or muscular disorders, children must be able to walk. Indeed, hell, runs on each child age can vary, but generally the normal time frame is 11-18 months of age.
4. Strengthen Muscles Foot Massage.
During learning to walk, children rely on his leg muscles to maintain balance. With recommendations pediatricians, parents can do baby massage aimed at strengthening the muscles of his legs. For example, with my back the way he holds the baby and then ask her feet with a little encouraged. The child will instinctively do the motions like kicking. The intense training and proper proven to strengthen his leg muscles.
Often too lazy to learn the way children occur due to obesity. For babies with excess body weight, body balance is clearly more difficult. Strive to balance food intake, not excessive and no less. In addition, the physiotherapist can help the baby with the right program. For example, the technique of push the ball which is used for motor exercises.
Some of the tools created to help children learn the way. The principle that should not be absent from this tool is the baby still needs to be guided. That way, every time the baby kicked to the ground, the leg muscles will be more active and increasingly honed capability goes.
Easy it is to face criticism
In this life there must have been facing criticism, like a solid wall great wall of china as strong. Whatever work we have made ... there must be people who criticize. Sometimes we (you and me) not be wise and prudent.
- Yet our success in the face of public criticism, will be paramount if we are to be successful or not.
- Here are some tips and motivation in the face of criticism when in public as well. And that will make you successful people stand criticism.
- Stay Stay Cool. When criticized in public. The first one we did was stay cool ... so behave so quiet although in their hearts the fire was as hot as the sun. For if when you are criticized and even angry ... you certainly are considered one by one is looking.
- Different if you looked calm and smiling a few times. People will see you are the right people, professionals and people who really understand the issues being discussed. So many people who sympathize with you.
- This is hard! but my motivational message: Just Do it! (Due to successful people must do it today)
- Follow the flow of criticism and turn.If the critics really have a different opinion and wants to win his own ass. The only way is to follow the will of the critic and criticism ... steered slightly to fit our opinion.
- Is your IQ test results so small as to be able to follow the wise words above.
- The following example:
- Do you think it is good but ..Well the word 'but' here indicate that long ago you've thought about it .. but it has some adverse
- Broadly speaking I agree with the opinion, but would not it be better ..Above statement would indicate that you have a better opinion of the critic.
- Usually people have success in this vocabulary or spelling the right to express an opinion. But do not be a liar well.
- Do not interrupt the critics. Before the critics never finished interrupt. That will just make you look angry and want to win themselves in front of people. Stay calm, tell your opinion after he had finished speaking
- Then when you interrupt critics even as she spoke. Leave!Silent when interrupted. That will create the perception of the people that you are more mature and professional critics.
- So here is the turning point you can beat the critics.
- Criticism is Motivation. The above matters is the way to survive in the criticism. But after that it would be better if we learn from criticism it. Look for things that have not kepikiran of criticism. And use to improve what we have started.
- Sometimes a case can be two perceptions of the good and bad. So rather than try to make it into a perception that good .. in other words change the criticism that became the engine of motivation to get better again.
Do not interfere with the affairs of men
When loving someone, we tend to want to get involved in throughout his life, both as hard and happy. When the boyfriend in trouble, what we want is to be someone who could give him a spirit, to find solutions or just a 'back of the shoulder' when he's sad.
You also need to know that there are several 'areas' in his life that none of your business and should not be interfered with 'others'.While you as a lover and perhaps the closest, just remember to know the limits.
You also need to know that there are several 'areas' in his life that none of your business and should not be interfered with 'others'.While you as a lover and perhaps the closest, just remember to know the limits.
- Argument with family. When your lover is having an argument with either the parents or family relatives, do not ever do a 'mission' to come to reconcile them. Do not encourage him to make up if he does not want or make 'scripts speech' apology for him, let alone invited to meet family members who disagree with him, because he wanted to be a peacemaker. During the couple is still treating you well - in other words the problem is not to interfere with a relationship - no need to interfere and let him have that resolve the problem. There may be a time where he wanted to vent about the problem. Be a good listener and offer a solution only if he requests it.
- Problems in the Office. You know that the lover is trying hard to figure out how to get a promotion or a big project that is very profitable. Consider the development of stealth and not to him with the words "should be like this", "do so" or "this way you'll succeed".
- Perhaps you mean well, providing motivation. But if done continuously will make you feel as a man who failed to see it and lack of ambition. Give advice if he asks for it, but do not necessarily ask for a project in constant development. Believe me, he'll tell you when he wants.
- Emotional burden. Do lovers have a lasting emotional scars? Maybe so paranoid about the affair or not like it if he is too controlled? Some people may have the emotional baggage of bad experiences in the past that may be difficult or impossible to get lost. If your partner is aware he has the burden of the past, has become his job to keep it shut. He can not be irrational to raise the issue in his life that was and is plainly said, "I'm sorry if I've been mad, just remember bad memories of a former lover." He should be able to cope with the emotional and the emotions that you should not be a victim of the 'damage' that you never do.
- Arguing with Friends. Just like a family quarrel, never get involved in conflicts with friends especially her best friend. You think he would feel if he could not overcome his own personal problems. Plus, he usually has a way far different from the woman to end a fight with his fellow men. So leave them in their own zones.
- Financial Matters. Unless you have a wife or a savings plan together to collect the cost of the wedding, do not interfere with its financial problems. For instance, he needs a loan large enough to pay the car payment or credit card bills, while the money was gone because he did his own carelessness.
- Any of your desire to help, should stand alone. Moreover if it takes long enough for him to return it, will only make you annoyed. Worse, if one day you two broke up, it would be awkward and even harder to ask for your money back.
How to choose the original bag
we are very pleased with accessories such as handbags.The bag is expensive is not necessarily the original.
So, do not be fooled, this is her way to see:
1. Check the zipper
The original product will select all quality goods as raw materials of manufacture. Including zippers! So when buying a quality bag with awell-known brand, you must make sure that the zipper is opened and closed easily. Yes, the original manufacturer makes it very easy to open and close, but still safe.
2. The shape is neat
Do not buy a bag with a shape that is not neat and balanced.Original branded bags measure every millimeter of the bag, sothere would be no point to make it look different.
3. There was no typing error in the name
Ensure that the name brand bags are written correctly, there is nosingle word errors. In general, fake brand bags with printing errorsthat often use homemade handbags can be sold.
And unfortunately, we are often inaccurate.
4. The aroma is different
The original bag that will not leave the smell of rubber, glue, orchemicals of any kind. The aroma is genuine leather.
5. The price is too skewed
There is a quality, of course there is a price. So do not expect thatquality bags you can buy cheaply. Because of special material, in general, producers will set prices according to the materials and design complexity.
Buying original bag will give satisfaction not only pride alone, but you will not be disappointed with the quality of its products.
So, do not be fooled, this is her way to see:
1. Check the zipper
The original product will select all quality goods as raw materials of manufacture. Including zippers! So when buying a quality bag with awell-known brand, you must make sure that the zipper is opened and closed easily. Yes, the original manufacturer makes it very easy to open and close, but still safe.
2. The shape is neat
Do not buy a bag with a shape that is not neat and balanced.Original branded bags measure every millimeter of the bag, sothere would be no point to make it look different.
3. There was no typing error in the name
Ensure that the name brand bags are written correctly, there is nosingle word errors. In general, fake brand bags with printing errorsthat often use homemade handbags can be sold.
And unfortunately, we are often inaccurate.
4. The aroma is different
The original bag that will not leave the smell of rubber, glue, orchemicals of any kind. The aroma is genuine leather.
5. The price is too skewed
There is a quality, of course there is a price. So do not expect thatquality bags you can buy cheaply. Because of special material, in general, producers will set prices according to the materials and design complexity.
Buying original bag will give satisfaction not only pride alone, but you will not be disappointed with the quality of its products.
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